Four Things to Consider When Booking Your Maternity Photoshoot

Everything you need to know about booking a maternity photoshoot.

Are you thinking about booking a maternity photoshoot? Experiencing pregnancy is a miraculous time of your life, and one I believe truly deserves to be memorialized and documented. Maternity sessions are some of my favorite things to shoot, and are such a beautiful way to commemorate this special time in your life.

However, deciding when to schedule your maternity photoshoot is always a big question. In this article, we’ll explore the ideal timing for booking your maternity photoshoot, ensuring you capture that amazing belly in all it’s glory.

1. Consider Your Comfort: As any expecting mama knows, pregnancy comes with its own set of physical changes and challenges. When scheduling your maternity photoshoot, consider your comfort level. The timeframe that I typically recommend is: booking your session during the second trimester, between weeks 28 and 32 weeks. This is because you’ve likely overcome the early discomforts of pregnancy, and your belly is beautifully rounded, making for amazing photos.

2. Plan Ahead: Like most things in life, planning ahead is key when it comes to maternity photoshoots. My photography schedule can fill up quickly, so booking your session for the recommended time frame in advance ensures you secure your preferred date and time. Aim to schedule your maternity photoshoot at least a few weeks in advance to avoid any last-minute stress.

3. Factor in the Weather: Living in Minnesota, of course the weather can play a significant role in the outcome of your maternity photoshoot. If you have your heart set on outdoor photos, you may want to schedule your photos outside of that recommended time frame, and we can still create amazing photos. However, indoor sessions, either in studio or in your home, can also be so beautiful, and give us the ability to plan a session regardless of the weather outside.

4. Embrace Your Bump: Your baby bump is the star of the show during your maternity photoshoot, so don’t be afraid to show it off! I personally love to include some bare belly photos in a maternity shoot. Some moms to be are nervous about exposing their belly, but all tell me afterwards that those are the photos they absolutely cherish. To prep for this, applying self tanner and keeping that belly moisturized before the shoot can help boost your confidence.

Booking your maternity photoshoot is an exciting milestone in your pregnancy journey. By considering factors such as your comfort, timing, and preferences, you can ensure a memorable and magical experience that celebrates this special time in your life. Whether you opt for an outdoor adventure or a cozy indoor session, the most important thing is to capture the love, anticipation, and joy that come with expecting a new addition to your family.

Ready to get scheduled for your maternity photoshoot? Reach out here!