Looking for Minneapolis birth centers? I’ve got all the info.
Have you ever thought about giving birth at a free-standing birth center? I had my first baby at one! For anyone with a low-risk pregnancy, interested in having a natural birth experience, it’s something you’ve got to look into.
First off- you may be wondering:
Minneapolis birth centers are a great in between option for those who aren’t sure they’re ready for a home birth but want a more comfortable environment than a hospital setting.
According to Wikipedia – “A birthing center is a healthcare facility, staffed by licensed midwives, for mothers in labor. You also attend the birth center for your prenatal visits, postpartum care, and they often offer all sorts of support for new parents.
A birth center offers a comforts of home atmosphere, for moms-to-be who desire a natural childbirth experience. Birth centers also offer a decreased risk of cesarean section, and a much shorter average length of stay- patients are able to go home in less than 24 hours after a vaginal birth. The midwives offer amazing lactation support as well.

We are so lucky here in the Twin Cities to have so many awesome options for birth. Here are some of the top rated Minneapolis birth centers to check out:
1. Twin Cities Birth Center ( previously known as Health Foundations!): Located in Saint Paul, TCBC is where I had my first daughter. The midwives are so wonderful- it was rated the best place to have a baby 2021, 2022, and 2023!
2. Willow Midwives: located in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis, I have had friends who raved about their exceptional care they received at Willow.
3. Roots Community Birth Center: Roots’ vision is to make out-of-hospital birth accessible and welcoming for all families. They’re located in Minneapolis.
4. Minnesota Birth Center: With two locations, one in Minneapolis and one in Saint Paul, Minnesota Birth Center has worked with over 4,000 families!
I hope you check out these Minneapolis birth centers- AND if you’re looking for maternity or newborn photos, please reach out here!